Unlock Sexual Abundance: How a scarcity mindset is keeping you from your most pleasurable life.

As we age, societal pressures and life changes can often shift our focus away from our own desires, including sexual pleasure. This can lead to a scarcity mindset – a belief that there isn’t enough time, energy, or desire for a satisfying sex life. But what if we reframed this perspective? What if, instead of feeling limited, we embraced an abundance mindset?

A Scarcity Mindset: The Silent Sex Killer A scarcity mindset in sexuality can manifest in lots of ways: feeling like there’s not enough time for intimacy, believing your body is no longer desirable, or fearing rejection. This perspective is rooted in limitation, creating stress and anxiety that can directly impact your sexual desire and enjoyment.

An Abundance Mindset: Unleashing Your Desire An abundance mindset, on the other hand, is a belief in limitless possibilities. It’s about recognizing that your sexuality is a valuable part of you, regardless of age, appearance, circumstances or insecurities. It’s about understanding that pleasure is essential to overall well-being. Here's how adopting this mindset can enhance your sex life:

  • Focus on what you have, not what you lack: Instead of dwelling on what’s changed, appreciate your body, your life, the intimacy you have with yourself and others. Gratitude is a powerful aphrodisiac.

  • Embrace exploration: Your body and mind changes your entire life and therefore so do your desires. View this as an opportunity for exploration and discovery. What turns you on now? What have you always wanted to try?

  • Prioritize pleasure: Make time for intimacy, both solo and with a partner. Schedule it, if necessary. Treat it as self-care. When you prioritize pleasure, it becomes more abundant in your life.

  • Be open: Explore new ideas, new expressions and new media (books, video, audio). Pay attention to what stirs your desire. If you have a partner, talk to them about your desires, fears, and fantasies. If the idea of saying it out loud is terrifying, find a video, line in a book or image that represents what you’re interested in - show it to them and say something like “this is kinda cool”. Voila, you’ve opened the topic!

  • Appreciate YOU: Self-love is the ultimate act of abundance. Embrace your body and mind at every stage of life as all part of your journey. This is HARD, I know, but start small.

Remember, sexuality, bodies and minds are ever-evolving. By shifting your perspective from scarcity to abundance, you’re inviting more pleasure, intimacy, and satisfaction into your life.

It’s time to reclaim your power and embrace the abundance of pleasure that awaits.


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